The essence of a brand

Windeatt Architect Monogram design

When establishing my new practice Windeatt Architect I knew it was vital to develop a brand that portrayed a distinct identity.

In late 2018 I first met brand specialists Duo Design -  Joanne Hair and Andrew Newth – and briefed them to “break the mould’ a creative task they took on with zeal and relish.

Together we embarked on a journey to craft a remarkable brand for WINDEATT ARCHITECT.

Our intention was to create a brand that looked like no other architectural practice.

The desire is to craft an identity that harks to the past yet is shaped by the future and incorporates quality, craftsmanship and luxury.

The challenge was to embrace my individuality, design sense, imagination, playfulness and vision.

DuoDesign delivered by describing their brand vison “FUTURISTIC HERITAGE”.  Joanne and Andrew identified the three pillars of the Windeatt Architect brand:




The starting point was embracing both the PEOPLE & PLACE. St Joseph’s sits at the heart of my identity and Duo designed a logo that references the convent crosses and entwines that with the WINDEATT name.

DuoDesign’s solution incorporated a highly expressive, neo gothic feel through both the type and monogram. The typeface has its base in history, and was chosen to contrast against the neutral, sans serif, cool and contemporary branding many have adopted. The two T’s at the end of Windeatt are intended to reference the T square / historical tools of architecture.

The monogram is simply meant to be read as ‘House of Windeatt’ with the W for Windeatt and the two crosses referencing St Joseph’s. With these elements together the brand reveals an architecture studio where anything is possible . . .

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